The Missing Link Part Two
In part one we talked about how the brain works to have more knowledge on how to truly make the changes in our lives. We learned that our brains are Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change and adapt due to experience. This takes 63 days for it to become second nature to us like breathing.
But how do we set ourselves up for the best success from now till after the 63 days?
Consistency is the biggest piece to this puzzle.
Here are 4 reasons why consistency can transform your world:
Consistency helps you to develop this new way that you want to be or live. The habit that you are striving to have a part of your life. Do it day after day creating it to be second nature to you.
Consistency helps you to become better at the task. As you go along you learn what is working and what is not. Being able to tweak it till it fits into your life like it has always been there.You intuitively figure out better ways of doing the habit. The desire to do something in a better way is just human nature.
Consistency helps others know exactly what to expect from you. This is very comforting to ourselves and others. Having a ritual like this also helps with decision fatigue. Knowing and not having to use our brain power to think about what is next. Decision fatigue is a very real thing.
Consistency helps give energy to the power of compounding. Every single act that you do daily adds up to a larger picture.
You only get to see results over time. You don't plant a seed and then expect to come back the next day to a vegetable. It takes time. It takes consistently caring and nurturing it for it to create that vegetable. I will never tell you that it is easy. But I will say that if you stay consistent and keep going it will become easier every single day. Building a stronger belief in yourself creating a better self image.
Now you are probably wondering “HOW DO I GET CONSISTENT?
Let me break down a few ways to build up Consistency.
Start with a plan. Let's use the example of working out here. What kind of workout do you want to start with? Maybe walking outside, yoga, pilates, basketball, whatever it is that you enjoy. This is the first place that you are going to try out an experiment. I say experiment cause you may not love the first thing that you try out. This doesn't mean it's not for you. This just means that you need to try out something different till you find what you love to do.
Find a spot to start in your schedule. Look for a place in your schedule that you can experiment with having an allotted time to go do your workout. I say experiment cause the first place that you find is probably not going to be the final destination to it. You are most likely going to have to try a few different spots just like step one.
Do it every single day. This is where you are going to make sure that every single day you are doing the same thing. This does not mean you have to go hard every single day with your workouts. This just means that you have to do something active in that time slot you schedule every single day. To build the habit of doing and feeling it every day for the 63 days till it's just something that you start doing naturally.
Track your Progress. You want to be able to prove to yourself that you're staying to the plan that you set out for yourself. Have a chart that you check off, put it in your calendar in a specific color when you are done, put a check mark on a calendar. This doesn't have to be complicated. Keep it simple. Then on those days when you have that negative self-talk, Cause I know it will come, you can go back and evaluate where you are at. If you are not being as consistent as you want then you pick up your socks and make a goal to do one more day. Once that's set add another till you are satisfied with where you are at.
Get an accountability partner. “Accountability is the acknowledgment of responsibility for your actions with the obligation to report, explain, and be responsible for the resulting consequences.” Accountability keeps you consistent because you have to report back what you’re doing—or not doing.
We are so quick to let ourselves down. It's a toxic trait for most people out there. We are never wanting to let anyone else down. When we have someone else in the game with us we make sure we are performing to the best of our ability. We also need someone else to call us out on our bullshit. We can make excuses to ourselves every day and justify them but it's really hard to make those excuses to someone else when we see that we have let them down as well.
Simply put: if you can’t be consistent, you can’t make progress.
For me all 5 of these strategies have personally worked. The biggest one for me though has been the accountability to a coach, or a friend that is in it with me. I find that it keeps me focused and staying on track when life comes in and tries to take us out.
If you have found this helpful for yourself please share it with someone that you know has been struggling with the same thing. Keep your eyes peeled for our New Mini course coming out that will be tailored exactly around building the consistency and habits that you want in your world. Make sure you are on our VIP email list to grab yours first.
As always I am rooting for YOU.
With love, Coach Twylla