Your Why
When we are about to embark on transforming our lives it is so exciting. We have this rush. We
are riding the high of the new person that is about to develop. The freshness that comes with
making the change. The reality of how hard it can be at times eventually sets in.
This is normal. There is nothing wrong with you.
This is the EBB + FLOW of life. This is where you need to have a strong WHY!
On the days when you don’t want to and your brain is giving you all the reasons why you don't
need to do the thing, You give yourself this reminder that pushes you up on to your feet and
stocks that fire that you have inside of you.
To really get down to the nitty-gritty of why you want to do something you have to dig so freaking
deep inside yourself. Oftentimes this is a reason we come up with after we have already gotten
sick or had a massive scare that kicks us into high gear to really get our health and wellness
under wraps. I want you to change that. I want you to get that reason now before any of that
happens. Taking your health and wellness into your own hands.
So how do we do this?
We must go through the 7 layers of why. The 7 Layers of Why Exercise can be used to help
determine what really drives you to accomplish anything in life. The following is a sample
question for you to start with. However, I invite you to create your own question! This Is meant to
help you figure out YOUR WHY for the goal/outcome/want you have... your driving force for
success. It's crucial that you follow it through to the 7th question to get to the deep driving force. Find a nice quiet space and take some time with this. I promise you that you will be amazed at what
comes at the end.
Here is my example:
Goal/Outcome/Want: "I want to get healthy"
Question #1. "Why do you want to get healthy"
Answer: "Because it will make me happy "
Question #2. "Why will getting healthy make you happy?"
Answer: "Because when I am healthy, I am happy and feel better."
Question #3. "Are you only happy and feel better when you are healthy?"
Answer: "Well no, but I think it will be what I need to be happy "
Question 4: "Why is it IMPORTANT to you to be happy and feel better? Why do you think getting
healthy will make you happy and feel better?"
You get the idea of the exercise now. Keep going to get to that root. That answer is that you can
feel that fire inside of you get stocked right up and moving on the days that you need that extra
kick in the butt.
COACHING and MINDFULNESS are tools, the more tools that you have in
your tool box the easier life is to navigate. This helps you to change your
thoughts. To see things with a wider lens than what your brain is allowing
you. Digging deep is where the magic begins to happen.
When you climb a mountain it is never easy but what you see at the top is breathtaking
and something that you can not explain. It is something that you have to just see for
yourself. Having someone walk beside you on your journey helps to make the climb up the
mountain so much simpler.
Here’s what can happen when you decide to link arms and start to shift your thoughts:
“Coach Twylla always has a way of getting me to change my way of thinking. Look at things in a
different perspective. She has helped me to realize that my thoughts are the driving force to
what pushes me into action. I have been able to have sustainable results, feel my feelings, and
know that I am in control of my own life. It feels awesome to have clarity.” ~ Katilyn G.
“I love the constant support and encouragement from Coach Twylla. I learnt new skills that will
make a massive difference in my overall health and wellness journey.” ~ Tabitha A
I am rooting for YOU!
With Love,
Coach Twylla
P.S. The exercise used is from the book: Millionaire Success Habits by Dean Graziosi (it is a