It’s That Time of Year Again...Resolution Time

Did you know:

38.5% of US adults set New Year’s resolutions every year.

59% of young adults (18-34) have New Year’s resolutions, which makes it the largest demographic that sets these goals.

48% want to exercise more, making it the most popular New Year’s resolution. The top 3 are all health-related.

23% quit in the first week, and only 36% make it past the first month.

Only 9% successfully keep their New Year’s resolutions

Most people make health related resolutions. Focusing more on Mental health, Emotional health, and physical health. Women however have more of a focus on this than men. The second leading resolution is career based.

43% of all people expect to fail before February, and almost one out of four quit within the first week of setting their New Year’s resolution. Most people quit before the end of January, and only 9% see their resolutions through until succession.

These statistics are crazy to me. We have a major disconnect in the way we set these resolutions + in the way we execute them.

Keep Accountable

Remind yourself of why often. Having a very solid reason why the goal is so important to you is a major player when the days get busy. TIP; Put your why as your phone background so you can see it every time you pick it up, keeping it at the forefront of your thoughts.

Keep it high on the priority list. When you keep it at the top part of your list you make the time to get it done. You usually make sure it's one of the first couple things you get done in a day.

Have an Accountability Partner. Having someone that you are checking in with will have you making sure that you don’t let yourself down. For me having a coach has been a game changer.

Set SMART Goals

You can not go in with a goal of changing your whole diet right now for example. This is something that is not attainable. You need to take small steps to work your way into a whole nutritional shift. When you do this it creates the habits that you need to have your change become one that sticks around. Do not start at the top of the mountain cause you will lose your balance and fall to the bottom. Here is the best defence to over doing your goals:

Specific ~ be very specific in what you want to achieve. Make sure you know why you want this. Make sure it is not a surface level of why. Dig deep.

Measurable ~ you have to have some way to measure your progress. This can be in many different ways. How you are feeling, through pictures, on a scale basis of 1-10, so many options. Just have a way to see your progress.

Achievable ~ Don’t set the bar at the top right off the bat. Make the big picture goal that you want to hit then break it down into smaller ones that you can hit in a timely fashion. Want to lose 30 lbs(big picture) start with 5 lbs by end of January(achievable)

Realistic ~ You need to be realistic at what it takes to get to the big picture goal. You can lose 30 lbs in a month. That is not realistic at all, but you can lose 4-8 lbs in a month. This is why it's so important to break that big picture goal down into bite size pieces.

Timely ~ If you are not making progress we tend to get into our heads and think that we can’t do it so we quit. Making your 30 lbs is a long road. This is a goal to hit in 3-4 months. But breaking that down to 4-8 lbs in 4 weeks gives you hope. It gives you that drive that you can do it. You get to see results quicker.

Keep all things Health in Mind

Get enough sleep. Have this in your schedule. Make sure you stay on your sleep routine. If you don’t have one I suggest you get one. You actually have a little one that you have not paid attention to.

Keep your Mental Health #1

You can not solve a problem at the same level of thinking that has created it.

~ Albert Einstein

You can not achieve any resolution unless you are working on your mindset every step of the way. This is the number 1 rule. I see this time and time again when I am working with my clients. When they start to push their personal growth to the side they start to slip in the other aspects of their lives. This truly is an everyday thing.

I personally don’t recommend setting resolutions. When you are ready, you need to just start. We never know what tomorrow is going to bring, so waiting is not something that we should ever be doing.

Do not let your procrastination become permanent.

These are all the things that help me to not fall off when chasing down my goals. I always want to leave the year stronger than I went into. To be able to do this I need to make sure that I am staying on track with all the things that I have set out for my goals.

Take your health into your control.

These are all steps that you would learn in any of my programs. Having the accountability to truly make the shifts that you are looking for to feeling better in the skin you're in. 

Twylla Reid Coaching

Elevating woman to walk with more ease through life’s Ebbs + Flows by aligning the mind, body, + soul so they can live a life full of courage + energy!


Nutrition + The Brain


It’s That Time of Year